Stop time theft

How To Prevent Time theft, payroll theft

You know, sometimes folks stretch the truth a little about how long they’ve been working or sneak in some extra breaks. Skipping Work without Permission: Sometimes people don’t let their boss know when they’re taking personal time off or maybe bend the rules a bit with sick days that’s known as time theft.

Stop time theft

1: Stop time theft!

Time theft – being paid for hours not worked. Timemaster can stop this with their automated Time and Attendance software that is integrated with Paymaster payroll software. No more being paid for missed shifts or clocking in irregularly.

Call us to stop being taken advantage of. 021 712 7333

What is the cost of Time Theft for your Business

2: What is the cost of Time Theft for your Business?

Yikes..on average employees each steal around 4 hours per week from their place of work! All this adds up across the business…and steals a lot of money from your payroll!

Timemaster Time and Attendance software will monitor your employees work hours, whether on site or in the office.

How can time and attendance systems help?

3: How can time and attendance systems help?

How can you nab time thieves in your business?

Real-time clocking – by employees (with an app or tablet) is the answer.

Timemaster T & A software systems allow a bird’s eye view on real time mapped clockings. The automated reports show latecomers and early leavers on a daily/weekly/ monthly basis.

Timemaster offers real-time monitoring! Can you afford not to use our software?

The nitty gritty of time theft

4: The nitty gritty of time theft

If you caught an employee stealing money or equipment they would be disciplined, right?

But what about time theft?

To tackle this, you need to understand how your employees work – whether at home, office or out on the road.

That’s why you need an automated time tracking software (cloud based) with phone apps to track your staff’s coordinates (including a special drop-down feature)- per work task they are paid to perform.

Timemaster T & A software can do all this for you.