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HR Compliance Made Easy: Cost-effective Recruitment Strategies

Traditional recruitment can often feel overwhelming—sorting through countless CVs, posting job ads that get little attention, and struggling to find the right candidates. However, recruiting doesn’t have to be difficult. Here’s how South African businesses can hire smarter, not harder.

Top Cost-Effective Recruitment Tips for South African Employers:

1. Boost Hiring with Employee Referrals

Employee referrals can be your best source for finding the right candidates. Why? Because your employees know your company culture best. By offering small incentives like bonuses, extra leave, or team lunches, you create a win-win situation. Not only do you save time, but you also find quality talent that fits your culture.

2. Leverage Social Media to Attract Talent

Your next great hire could be on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram right now. Start by using targeted hashtags and keywords to help your job post stand out. Don’t forget to showcase your company culture by sharing engaging content. Engaging with comments and responding quickly to messages also helps to build trust with potential candidates.

3. Network to Expand Your Talent Pool

Networking is an underused but effective method. Why? Industry events and local business connections could help you find great talent. Sometimes, the perfect candidate is already in your circle or familiar with your industry. By spreading the word, you increase your chances of finding a strong hire.

4. Freelance Platforms for Specialized Talent

Need specialized skills for a short-term project? Freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr give you access to skilled professionals on demand. They’re perfect for businesses looking for flexibility and cost savings.

5. Blend Old and New Recruitment Methods

Traditional recruitment methods still work. For example, partnering with universities and colleges opens the door to fresh talent. Similarly, attending community events can increase your visibility and attract candidates from your local area.

6. TeamMaster HR’s Tailored Recruitment Service

Sorting through CVs can be time-consuming. And hiring the wrong person? It can be expensive. TeamMaster HR solves this problem by providing five pre-vetted CVs from our trusted talent pool for just R4500. No need for endless job ads or overwhelming applications—just qualified candidates ready to join your team.

Why Hiring Is an Investment, Not an Expense

By embracing these smart recruitment strategies, you can build a strong, high-performing team without blowing your budget. And, if you need help finding the right talent quickly, TeamMaster HR is here for you.

Ready to find your next great hire? Contact us today to streamline your hiring process and save time.

Articles main 2024 - Leave - what are you entitled to?

Leave – what are you entitled to? Skillmaster’s HR Law Series explains!

Skillmaster’s HR Law series covers all Acts (including the BCEA) to empower you. From knowing ordinary hours of work to managing leave pay and sick leave policies, our course provides clarity and practical solutions.

Contact Skillmaster to enroll in our HR Law series.

Share our HR Law course on social media HERE

Articles main 2024 -  Unreasonable working hours?

Unreasonable working hours? Skillmaster’s HR Law series will empower you

  • Ordinary hours of work
  • Annual Earnings Threshold
  • Temporary employment services.
  • Those struggling to balance their workload within ordinary hours.
  • If you’re worried about meeting the Annual Earnings Threshold for fair pay.
  • Are you confused about your rights as a temporary employee?

Contact Skillmaster today and enroll in our HR Law series.

STOP filing employee paper records

Stop filing employee paper records- paymaster offers electronic filing!

Read our article to know what records to keep, when and in what format – Employee Record Keeping

Understanding Payroll for small businesses

Understanding Payroll for small businesses

Part 1

What is Payroll?

Because Payroll is the biggest expense of an organisation, attention to detail is vital. Employees deserve to be paid accurately, and on time.
To add to the pressure, the Payroll department is responsible for legislative compliance, as stipulated in the Income Tax Act (managed by the South African Revenue Service). Also, company policies must be enforced. For instance, regarding Leave rules and Onboarding Procedures. This would also include adherence to reporting requirements for payroll funds, such as Medical Aids and Retirement Annuities.

To aid the planning of payroll functions, it is essential that a company’s Payroll requirements are clearly understood. Incorrect or late payment of employees is inconsiderate and will result in an unhappy workforce. This, in turn, may lead to high staff turnover or cause a strike. The incorrect payment to employees may also result in the incorrect employee taxes being withheld, resulting in tax penalties and interest. Ultimately, the incorrect or late payment of employees may have a negative effect on the business’s bottom line.
There are various factors that impact payroll planning and processing. These include legislative requirements, company policies, and employee contracts. This is where a reputable payroll company such as Paymaster is indispensable in keeping your small business compliant.

1. The Payroll Process

The payroll process can run in a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly payroll cycle, taking annual requirements into consideration. From employees being recruited to submitting the Annual Employer Reconciliation Declaration, each of these processes will be unpacked and explained. Here is an introduction to the process:

1.2 The Recruitment of employees

Organisations identify positions in the company that will work towards achieving the strategic goals and targets set by the decision-makers.
The recruitment department will advertise the available position on

various platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook or on their websites, to name a few. Applications are evaluated and suitable candidates are invited for an interview.

1.2 Employment Contract

When Human Resources and the Head of the Department identify a suitable candidate employee, the prospective employee is offered an employment contract.
The Law of Contracts, Basic Conditions of the Employment Act (BCEA) and bargaining councils stipulate the minimum requirements for the employment contract.

1.3. Payroll Preparation

Planning annual, monthly, bi-weekly and weekly Payroll requirements will ensure employees are paid accurately and timeously. This should include identifying a Payroll processing closing date, which is then clearly communicated to all colleagues in the business. All payroll input documents should reach the Payroll department by the communicated date to allow sufficient time for payroll reconciliation.

1.4 Payroll Processing

The payroll processing checklist includes:

  • Prepare all the input documents for Payroll processing
  • Verify the Payroll processing period
  • Make the applicable changes to the Payroll
  • Onboard new employees
  • Process financial information
  • Record leave transactions
  • Reconcile payroll input
  • Pay Employees
  • Distribute payslips
  • Provide the various divisions with required payroll reports
  • Instigate monthly statutory requirements
  • Fulfill annual statutory requirement

1.5 Payroll Reports

The reports are printed after the payroll processing is finalised, and the payroll closed for further input. This provides the Financial and Human Resources departments with the required information to complete journals and ledgers and helps them make informed business decisions.

These reports also supply required information during internal and external audit processes. (Here information is verified and investigated.)

1.6 Third Party Payments

After employees are paid and the period-end Payroll and HR reports are printed by Paymaster, third parties should be paid and then notified of the member payment or contribution.
There are various types of third party payments that can be recorded on the payroll, such as:

  • Retirement Funds
  • Medical Aids
  • Vitality
  • ITA88 Notice (Agent
  • Appointment Notification)
  • Garnishee orders

1.7 Monthly Statutory Requirements

The Monthly Employer Declaration (EMP201) Report printed by Paymaster will display the Pay-As-You Earn (PAYE) amounts withheld, Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) withheld and contributed. Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) calculated amounts for qualifying employees employed by a qualifying employer are included on the EMP201. Skills Development Levies (SDL) contributed by employers for employees are also represented on the EMP201 Report.

The amounts are paid to the South-African Revenue Services (SARS) by the 7th of the following month and the monthly return information submitted electronically through eFiling. The UIF submission is automated on Paymaster, and the required information submitted to the Department of Labour.

1.8 Annual Statutory Requirements

Legislation requires employers to submit annual reports to government organisations such as the South African Revenue Service (SARS), Department of Labour and the Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA). Here are a few types of annual statutory reports:

  • Annual and Bi-Annual Employer Reconciliation Declaration (EMP501)
  • Occupational Injuries and Diseases Report (OID)
  • Sector Education and Training Authority Reports (Skills Development Reports)
  • Employment Equity Reports

Part 2

2. The Recruitment Process

For optimal business growth, and to achieve strategic goals,it is crucial to employ the best candidate for the available position.
Each company’s Human Resources department has a unique process that is followed to recruit employees. Download the organogram on Paymaster to indicate the positions or roles required for the business to function successfully and achieve business objectives (this is a paid extra).
Here is some of the information that is important for the applicant:

  • Job Title
  • Purpose of the position within the organization
  • What the expected outcomes of the position are
  • Minimum qualifications and experience
  • The date that the position needs to be filled
  • Remuneration
  • Any special requirements (such as proof of qualifications) must be attached with the application, or if the position was earmarked as a BBBEE position
  • Closing date for applications

2.1 The Interview process

The Human Resources division will sift through the applications, or make use of software applications, to identify the best suitable candidates to be interviewed.
The interview process varies according to the position, and company requirements. For more skilled positions the process is:

  • Initial interview with Human Resources, to determine if the candidate employee will be compatible with the company’s culture. The interview can be hosted at the office, through a virtual meeting or telephonically.
  • Applicants may be required to complete assessments such as:
    o Personality assessments
    o Information processing assessments
    o Assessments on the ability to learn new concepts
    o Brain profiling assessments.
  • The next interview is held if the assessments indicate that the candidate employee would be a suitable fit within the organization. This interview will include the Human Resources department, Head of department, and reporting manager. For some roles the CEO will also be present in the interview.

The presence of the Human Resources department in the final, or panel interview, is to ensure questions posed to the candidate employees are fair, and that similar questions are asked of all candidate employees. The HR department will assist management to make an informed decision so that the best possible candidate is appointed.

2.2. The Offer of Employment

Once a suitable candidate employee is identified, the Human Resources department will present the candidate employee with an offer of employment. Legislation requires minimum information to be recorded in the proposed employment contract.
The candidate employee can accept, or negotiate the offer of employment. After the Human Resources department receives a signed copy of the accepted employment contract, all other candidates are informed telephonically or through email, that their application was unsuccessful. It is considered good business practice to encourage these candidates to apply again for other available positions. Providing constructive feedback to Offer of employmentthe unsuccessful candidates can also give them with the necessary guidance in future applications.

2.3. Employee On-Boarding Process

The Human Resources department may inform the successful applicant of the expected schedule for the first day, or first week. On the commencement date, after the employee is welcomed by the Human Resources team, they will receive induction training. In this training session, important information about the company is shared with the new recruit.
As part of the onboarding process, the employee will complete forms and provide information to the HR department that will impact the payroll. This will include personal employee details such as:

  • Certified copy of identification
  • Residential and postal address
  • Emergency contact details
  • Banking details
  • Tax number and tax office
  • Selected medical aid plan and beneficiaries
  • Retirement fund contribution and beneficiaries

Part 3

3. Payroll Processing

Paymaster supports Payroll and HR departments (especially for small businesses) to process information swiftly and accurately.


For every payment from an employer to an employee, a payslip must be provided to the employee. Employees can be paid weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.

For Example: 

The Company pays nett salaries on the 27th of the month, and commission on the 10th of the following month. The employee will receive two payslips, as two payments are made.

The Company pays their annual bonus on the 15th of December, and monthly salaries on the 27th of December. The employees will receive two payslips in December. The first payslip will be for the bonus payment and the second payslip for their salary.

Employees have an obligation to verify information printed on their payslips as specified in legislation, including the authentication of PAYE and UIF amounts.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Employees can check hourly or daily payments (such as overtime) when the hourly rate and additional working hours are printed on the payslip. Printing information such as loan balances for company loans or annual leave days due, will provide information to employees and result in fewer queries to the Payroll and HR departments.

Paymaster makes payslips available electronically for employees to download and print from their Employee Self-Service Accounts. Employees always have their historical payslips available and can download the historical payslips to submit for use when applying for a loan, for instance.

Leave information that is available on Employee Self-Service:

  1. Annual leave due at the beginning of the payment period
  2. Annual leave allocated during the payment period
  3. Annual leave taken within the payment period
  4. Annual leave due at the end of the payment period



Refer to the below table for definitions and examples of Payroll terminology.×184.png×189.png

Statutory Deduction: Pay As You Earn

Paymaster will calculate the employee PAYE accurately and as specified by the Income Tax Act. Various factors impact the tax calculation of an employee. Therefore, it is vital to record accurate details when employees are added to the payroll.

Statutory Deduction and Contribution: Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)

Employers must pay Unemployment Insurance Fund contributions (2% of the value of each worker’s remuneration )every month. The employer and the worker each contribute 1%.
Contributions are paid to the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) or the South African Revenue Services (SARS) by the 7th of the following month.

The Unemployment Insurance Act and Unemployment The Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act applies to all employers and workers, except for:

  1. Workers that work less than 24 hours a month for an employer;
  2. Learners
  3. Public servants;
  4. Foreigners working on contract;
  5. Workers who only earn commission

Paymaster calculates the amounts automatically and will exclude the applicable employees from the calculations as indicated by legislation.

Statutory Contributions: Skills Development Levies (SDL)

The SDL company contribution is imposed on companies to encourage learning and development in South Africa. The SDL contribution is only paid by the employer. Paymaster will calculate the Skills Development Levy based on the taxable remuneration of the employee.

Part 4

4. Payroll Reports

Payroll reports executed from Paymaster assists the payroll and hr division to reconcile payroll processing that contributes to accurate employee payment. Payroll and hr reports are sent to the financial division to complete journals and ledgers.

Paymaster automatically sends the reports to the required division as soon as the payroll closed. The General Ledger information can be exported from Paymaster and imported into the applicable accounting software. The import file is a time-saving utility and eliminates typing errors.

Reports are used for internal and external audit processes to compare and investigate payroll processing information.

Payroll Processing Reconciliation

Payroll reconciliation reports are used to compare payroll input for the current pay period and must be generated before employees are paid to confirm the information processed reconciles with the various input documents.

The table below indicates the types of reports that can be printed from Paymaster to assist in reconciling payroll input/values.–1024×624.png×668.png

Payroll period end reports

The payroll processing reconciliation is completed with the payroll reports balance with the input documents received. After employees are paid and the payroll closes the payroll reports for the payment run are automatically emailed to the specified divisions.

Paymaster allows users to print historic reports from the current pay month, this feature is of great value during internal and external purposes. As a cloud-native payroll, the data is always available to the approved Paymaster users.

The below table includes examples of these reports:×454.png×665.png

Should you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to get in touch at 021 712 7333, or email us at

Payroll Professionals: the capstone human resource in an organisation


Do you desire to be known as the ultimate payroll professional?

Do you wish to be the ultimate ‘go to’ person in the payroll department? Similarly, do you dream of being that ‘one particular person’ within your organisation, that is truly indispensable to the running of the business?

This is possible and it ought to be an achievable reality too.

Payroll professionals need to boldly step up to the plate. The payroll professional is an essential component within the smooth-running operations of most enterprises. Long gone are the days where the payroll clerk merely occupies desk-space, punching numbers (whilst apologising for getting in the way of the other business functions).

The time has arrived for the payroll professional to be recognised! All too often, in the past, the payroll clerk was only ever noticed when mistakes were made. But not anymore! The payroll professional is the much-needed capstone human resource within many types of organisations.

3 building-blocks: relevance, indispensability & being pro-active

The primary building-blocks of any payroll department comprises its relevance, its indispensability and its ability to be pro-active when business challenges arise. Without these building-blocks, the modern payroll department will not survive the contemporary era of automation and process-driven payroll operations.


In everything you do—as a proud payroll professional—strive always to make your contribution relevant. Be sure to have accurate, correct facts and figures at your fingertips. Be ready to highlight the relevant challenges being faced (and how to possibly address these challenges):

  • Alert management to increasing overtime spends, particularly if it is leaning towards becoming a trend.
  • Raise an early white flag when you sense that labour-turnover rates are starting to look problematic.
  • Sound the alarm bells when new legislation stands to impact an organisation and its employees.

In order to make a relevant contribution, line-management oftentimes inadvertently forgets that the payroll department requires a wealth of rich meaningful information. The payroll professional should never have to repeatedly beg for information from other departments within the organisation. To be relevant, you need information — make sure you get the relevant information, on time, all the time.

Indispensability (your absolute necessity) to the organisation

Work towards gaining a thorough personal understanding of the human resource production line, right from the very beginning through ‘til the very end — from preliminary planning phases, to recruitment processes, …right through ‘til possible termination phase. This fosters and entrenches your indispensability to the organisation.

Importantly, don’t settle for only knowing how to operate your payroll software, but strive to master your use and understanding thereof. Once you’ve mastered this, you naturally become the central resource (information-hub) which others will feel drawn towards. For example, make it your primary speciality to know exactly how to set up a new employee record, …how to create an interview appointment, …or, how to issue the query for that complex management report.

Remember this: the line-management function prefers to manage. Intricacies and details of the payroll system is not their forté or interest — it’s yours, the payroll professional. Make sure that your indispensability comes from your special expertise.

Be Pro-active

The ability to be a pro-active payroll professional takes nothing more than a little well-considered thought and the ability to think ahead (i.e. planning).

Some common-sense examples include, the setting up of regular (and ad-hoc) meetings, …provide feedback on changes, …‘walk the floor” and/or engage others via e-mail, …start your own departmental Facebook Page, …use instant messaging to communicate with your employees (nowadays a standard built-in function with many payroll software packages).

Pro-actively build relationships with your various customers. Be sure they know what you expect from them. Remind them of what you consider to be your definition of outstanding service delivered to them.

Pro-active payroll professionals:

  • Expect to see the consequences of today’s actions, materialising sometime in the near or distant future.
  • Are expected to prepare management reports before being asked to prepare them (an automated feature which payroll software is easily able to do).
  • have forward-looking, forward-thinking minds, particularly when it comes to planning for public holidays and unexpected work stoppages.
  • Always think about next month (and next year) while processing the current payroll.
  • Are always anticipating the unexpected to happen — if the unexpected does indeed happen, it’s bound to be at the worst time. The pro-active payroll professional knows this.
  • Always double-checks their outputs/work — …“always reconcile and balance” is their trusted motto.

The payroll professional truly is (and always ought to be) the capstone human resource within the organisation.


Bottom line: The payroll professional actively works towards wanting everybody in the organisation to confidently say, “To be sure, let’s ask our payroll professionals first”.

Paymaster makes for happier holidays

Payroll software makes for happier holidays

It may only be June, and the festive season may seem a long time away but it is well worth considering how important your payroll system is to you and how much better your holiday will be and can be with the right Payroll solution. Paymaster will make your holiday that bit happier… here is why….

If you are using the right software for your payroll and human resources, you may be preparing for a stress-free December holiday knowing that your business is under control wherever you are.
And if it doesn’t, here are five reasons you need to select a software partner that could make it easier for you to enjoy a productive yet restful festive season, says Madelein van der Watt, development manager at Sage Pastel Payroll & HR.

Take the pain out of managing leave applications

Over December, many of your employees will want to take leave. Keeping track of who’s available and who is not can be a chore once you have more than a handful of employees. Why not use employee self-service (ESS) to let them apply for leave online from any Internet-connected computer or mobile device? It makes life easier for them and for you. You’ll be able to sign off leave forms online and have electronic records at your fingertips. That will make it easier to plan who will man the phones and respond to urgent customer requests over the holidays.

Simplify leave pay

With the end of the year in sight, companies need to do the complex calculations necessary to determine their employees’ correct leave pay. Doing the sums manually or on spreadsheets is a time-consuming exercise, and getting them wrong could mean breaching the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA). These days, any business can afford to roll out a modern payroll and HR solution that automates this task.

No more interrupting questions about available leave

Your payroll software should make your employees more self-sufficient. ESS systems should give them access to information, such as how much leave they have due, without asking the HR department. The payroll software automatically calculates accruals and reduces it with days taken to show an accurate balance to an employee. Managers will also see the current leave balance when employees apply for leave, making it easier and quicker to decide whether to approve the application or not. Employees and managers can plan December holidays better, knowing at all times exactly how much leave is available.

Automate wherever possible

In this world of instant-gratification, your software solution should help you to be more efficient and save time. The right software will allow you to execute multiple transactions, such as processing a production bonus or commission by only using one screen. Over shutdown periods, putting your entire workforce on leave should be quick and easy using global update features.

Get the help you need

Your software provider should be there to support you whenever you need it. So don’t be afraid to ask for help. Attending training or workshops yourself or even having a back-up admin person trained and ready to help will certainly alleviate the stress of processing leave and bonuses. Another good option is to get expert on-site assistance from a consultant. That peace of mind is one of the best presents you can give yourself this festive season.