Why reward employees with gift vouchers

Why reward employees with gift vouchers

Why reward employees with gift vouchers?

It is vital to keep employees motivated and engaged. Gift vouchers that reward and show appreciation to deserving/hardworking staff are a valuable tool to show that you value their contribution to the company.

Let’s look at some of the reasons to consider rewarding your employees:

Boost morale

  • when employees feel valued, they’re more engaged and energised at work
  • vouchers are a perfect token of appreciation for a job well done

Increase productivity

  • a gift voucher can be offered as an incentive or reward for meeting/exceeding goals
  • employees will be motivated to work harder to reach their targets
  • the whole company benefits as productivity is increased

Improve employee retention

  • the competitive job market means being creative to retain skilled staff
  • gift vouchers aid retention rates as employees who feel valued are more likely to stay with the company long term
  • these vouchers show you care about their well-being and are willing to invest in them

Tips for employee gifting:

  • personalize the gift if possible
  • be consistent – create a culture of recognition (and ensure everyone has an equal chance to receive a gift)
  • celebrate small wins – don’t only focus on major achievements – celebrating smaller wins creates a culture of positivity and motivation
  • be sincere – avoid generic messages – let your gratitude come across as personal and genuine.

Gift box

 YoyoGift vouchers, a Paymaster partner, offers a perfect opportunity for you to reward your employees in a thoughtful, personal manner.

Paymaster provides you with an online digital gifting platform. Send your gifts in under 3 minutes. Ian Hurst 083 679 1311 or ian@paymaster.co.za for more info on this voucher reward system.