Minimum wages effective February/March 2014

Change in minimum wage rates

The minimum wage rates for:

  1. Retail sector (see new rates here) ,
  2. Farm workers (see new rates here) and
  3. Domestic workers (see new rates here)

Please make sure that the new minimum wage rates or minimum wage increases are implemented from the correct dates.

Should you have any questions please mail them

Employee tax incentive scheme

The employment tax incentive went live on the 1 January 2014

to download a PDF explanation or to watch a video explaining the new law and see how much you can reduce your monthly payments by click here.

Included in the PDF download is the how to complete the EMP 201 return

Employment services of South Africa

The department of labour has launched the Employment Services of South Africa website.  Employers looking for interns or have employment opportunities can log on and review the CV of the candidates.

This is a free service.

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