In a previous article, the importance of record keeping, and the access of these records, was unpacked. It is vital that the company employees know WHAT is stored, and WHERE. In this article, we will look at the importance of Compliance, and the fundamental impact this has on a business. Of course, understanding the company’s standards around compliance is important. They must also know what is expected of them regarding maintaining this compliance, and how they will be held accountable for their role in doing so.
The two parts of Company Compliance
Compliance is defined as “obedience to a request or command”.
To ensure maximum acceptance of the need for , and importance of, compliance, it is essential that everyone in the company knows what to comply with.
This is 2-fold:
- Compliance with Company Laws and Policies
- Compliance with Company Procedures.
To avoid being REACTIVE around issues of Compliance, it is important to educate all employees on this subject, and what is expected of them.
Be Proactive – and Stay Ahead.
By keeping your employees INFORMED and UP-TO-DATE, you increase the success of company compliance. Don’t rely on other people and departments, but take the lead, and consider this motto “ the education of your line managers and staff promotes high standards of compliance, leading to the reduction of deviation requests.”
7 Ways to educate/inform line managers and staff
1. Training sessions
Keep these sessions short and informative. Perhaps on a monthly basis, with ad hoc sessions to discuss changes and new developements. This should keep line managers and staff updated. If they understand the consequences of non-compliance, it will motivate them to complete all documentation accurately and timeously.
2. Booklets, Flyers and Notices
The Payroll professional should play a big role in the writing and regular revision of the company’s Policy and Procedure documents. These should be the foundation for any education around compliance. One way to create awareness is to deal with critical aspects of compliance. Infographics, which visually communicate the details around key areas of compliance in that specific workplace, is a useful tool. And example forms and screenshots are an innovative way of getting the employee’s attention around essential areas of compliance.
3. One-on-one Sessions
Chatting informally over coffee might help you understand why some staff are unwilling, or unable, to comply. In this way, you can explain the essential reasons for workplace compliance, and the consequences, for them and the company, of non-compliance. This is an opportunity to warn serial transgressors, that their continuous non-compliance could lead to disciplinary action.
4. Host a Payroll Webpage
This is an easy option. In a few minutes, a webpage can be created and hosted on a company intranet or secure server. A Payroll webpage allows employees to access information as they need it. This webpage content could include How-to videos, easy-to-read PDFs and Policy and Procedures updates.
Next week: Accurate keeper of information (we cover your butt)
5. Social Media
Nowadays, everyone has a cellphone, with access to Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and many other fun Social Media options. These Social Media apps are fantastic communication tools. For example, specific topics can be shared on Whatsapp groups created for this purpose. A Twitter account can aid employees with direct answers to questions. And Facebook is useful for hosting discussions, and passing on information. Educating your staff will be fun and accessable, if you make use of these options. Of course, the result of all this should be improved compliance levels in the company.
6. Monthly Newsletter
Consider publishing a monthly newsletter (or adding a section to an existing company newsletter) that discusses compliance-related topics. This will help spread the concept and details of compliance, across the company.
7. Remuneration Contracts
To foster increased compliance, it helps to manage expectations. For instance, it helps to print pro-forma payslips, to be signed by the employee, if a new set of conditions of employment is agreed on. And be sure to add an updated contract to this.
In summary
Do all you can, as a Payroll professional, to educate and inform employees around the fundamental importance of compliance with the company’s Policy and Procedures. High levels of compliance in an organisation, result in a positive impact on everyone.