In a recent Accenture report entitled The Platform Economy, it was revealed that “81% of executives say [that] platform-based business models will be core to their growth strategy within three years.” This interesting claim makes it clear that managers and business owners have recognised that an excellent software platform may well be a significant contributor towards the ensured longevity of an organisation’s success.
Whether you’re a business owner, a manager or supervisor, we can all identify with the frustration of having to find and/or collate information in order to make a necessary business-related decision. For this reason, since your time is precious to you, pressure rapidly accumulates when you feel that your time is being misspent. When your employees demand immediate answers, there is no greater frustration than having to stop what you’re doing, in order to find the relevant information that your employees are pressuring you for.
Disempowering situations result in frustration
Now, cast your thoughts back to the countless, tedious authorisations and forwarding of claim documents that you’ve had to attend to. Or the innumerable leave forms that you’ve had to forward to your payroll department. (Come to think of it, perhaps we ought to spare a few sympathetic thoughts for payroll departments everywhere!)
For example, have you ever been in the situation where—when busy with the planning of your staffing schedule—you’ve had no clue which of your staff will be taking a period of leave?
Or, have you ever attempted to resolve an overtime-related remuneration query without having due access rights to the necessary system records in order to troubleshoot the query? Does this not compel you to take a walk to your payroll department so that they can provide you with adequate additional information in order to be able to resolve the staff query that you’re dealing with?
Similar examples abound: trying to (manually) run the company’s performance evaluation process, or trying to report on staff-performance trends for the past three years, or being charged with accountability of an entire recruitment campaign that necessitates the collation of several interviewers’ interview notes.
Paymaster understands and identifies with your frustrations
At Paymaster, we understand and certainly do identify with some of the frustrations that you may well continue to experience.
Paymaster understands that you fairly acknowledge that you know you’re expected to ‘deliver the goods’, regardless of these frustrations. After all, as a salaried manager or supervisor, you’re employed to make a significant difference within the organisation despite these frustrations. And, if you happen to be the business owner, Paymaster also understands that you’d much rather be spending most of your valuable time ‘steering the ship’ (i.e. your own business) into the exciting unchartered waters of optimal future profitability and future organisational success.
At Paymaster, we understand that your job-portfolio places a high priority on achieving results which will most likely be measured by successes that are best recognised on the bottom line.
Paymaster understands that your valuable time and energy is of paramount importance to your organisation too.
Empowering your line-managers and freeing-up your payroll staff
You’ll be pleased to know (possibly you’ll even be a bit surprised to know), that Paymaster offers you access to a leading (comprehensive) software platform that has been designed to automate the management of your business’ human resources administration and payroll processes. It’s a matter of fact that the Paymaster system may well turn out to be a significant contributor to the longevity of your organisation’s future successes.
Bottom-line: the net-effect is that you will be empowering your managers and freeing-up your payroll staff, thereby allowing them to get on with more relevant and engaging management imperatives and payroll priorities.
What does the Paymaster human resource software platform involve?
The Paymaster human resource software platform provides the assurance that all aspects related to the human resources within your organisation will be adequately managed. For example, this includes taking control of your organisation’s payroll process, …right through to the budgeting exercise for new vacancies.
[tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true” remove_hidden_urls=”true”]The Paymaster [Human Resource Software Platform] assures that human resources will be adequately managed. [/tweetthis]A special feature of the software platform involves facilitating the management and tracking of a full recruitment campaign: beginning at the start (with the creation and placement of a recruitment advertisement), all the way to the scheduling and recording of employees’ exit-interviews.
The Paymaster human resource software platform is a “One system, One platform, Accessible to many” software platform.
Would you like to find out more? For an in-depth overview of the Paymaster human resource software platform, simply click here for all the details.
Once you’ve implemented the Paymaster human resource software platform at your company, your line-managers and payroll staff will without doubt be significantly more empowered because:
- They will have significantly more free time to invest in working on tasks and projects that are of priority benefit to the organisation.
- They will have to endure far less frustration, because the organisation’s human resources information will now be more easily and readily available at the mere click of a few (keyboard) ‘buttons’ (i.e. ‘right at their fingertips’).
- They will be significantly more motivated because they would have gained the pleasure of being able to quickly and easily resolve HR-related enquiries.
- They will be operating a software platform that maintains the strictest security and confidentiality of all HR-related
- They will have complete peace of mind in knowing that all HR-related procedures are being followed, and that all HR-related documents will always be comprehensively completed and duly authorised.
What more could you wish for? Nothing really, because the Paymaster human resource software platform has got it all.[1]
[1] There are significantly more benefits and functions than this article covers: in addition, the Paymaster human resource software platform includes the following 5 solution categories: budgeting, position management, recruitment, performance evaluation and training. See brochure for more.
Would you like to know more? You are invited to contact Ian who will be happy to reply to any additional questions that you might have.
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