Artificial intelligence and automation to make payroll process redundant
Last week I wrote about the demise of the payroll process position.
In this article, allow me to emphasise that in 5 years time, I do believe that artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will result in the position (of payroll clerk) being made redundant. Instead, this employee’s role with increase in scope: he/she will become a ‘gatekeeper of policy’ and the ‘analyser of information’ within the organisation. The newly evolving role that he/she will fulfil is that of the Process Manager. As such, the process manager will become the centre of the human resource/payroll world! If you manage the software, you manage the world!
This newly-evolving position is becoming more and more apparent within the human resource fraternity of professional practice: i.e. the position of ‘systems manager’ or ‘traffic controller’.
[tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true” remove_hidden_urls=”true”]This newly-evolving position is becoming more and more apparent …that of HRIS ‘systems manager’… [/tweetthis]The role of the systems manager
What does a systems manager do?
Plainly stated, the systems manager ‘manages’ each and every human resource process. They make sure that the human resource information system (HRIS) is correctly set up, that it is receiving the correct information, and that it is being used correctly.
Next, let us consider some examples of roles fulfilled by the systems manager:
Ensuring that the parameters within the HRIS system are correctly configured
The systems manager, for example, will ensure that the correct organisation-chart is reflected on the system, or that correct skills and competencies/qualifications are linked to correct positions. HRIS setup may also focus on the recruiting process by allowing the systems manager to determine which set of core questions job candidates will be presented with. This is critical to keeping the HRIS software up to date.
Controlling the accuracy of information in the HRIS system
The systems manager monitors changes in job descriptions and updates the HRIS system accordingly. She/he will also make sure that information inputted into the HRIS system makes sense — e.g. such as analysing feedback from an interview, or details of a training programme.
Controlling the flow of information
Upon receiving a request for a new employee to be recruited, the systems manager will configure (i.e. “set up”) the online adverts, the recruitment-questions, the screening mechanisms, etc.
A further critical task involves ensuring that the entire HRIS system is optimally configured. Liaising with line-mangers—regarding details of the human resources process—involves the setting-up of interventions or appointments, which incidentally, is a key focus-point.
Another primary task may involve ensuring that when line-managers log-in, that correct processes and information is available to them — for example, by the setting up of recruitment interviews and making sure that candidates’ CV’s are available online (inclusive of the core questions and scoring-sheet being available and ready for use).
Monitoring line mangers’ use of the software, …and assisting where required
My favourite example—to emphasise a real benefit of the HRIS system—is this: training managers use the system to get the information they want.
A further example includes how to request a report or compare payslips so that line managers are indeed seen to be helping their subordinates. The systems manager is also able to request an audit report, in order to see what the organisation’s line-managers are doing. By facilitating this, the systems manager enables line-managers to automate routine tasks. Consequently, within the organisation, the systems manager certainly will be making a (significant) difference.
Assisting with reporting and analysis
The HRIS system software itself allows you to demonstrate your specialised skills, by assisting line-mangers with important analyses of their payroll and human resources information. PS — …in addition to line-managers being able to gain information from regular reports which the system provides. This is where the systems manager gets to demonstrate that she/he knows how to operate the system, thereby enabling him/her to provide relevant details quickly and efficiently.
[tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true” remove_hidden_urls=”true”]The HRIS systems manager demonstrates that she/he knows how to competently operate the HRIS system…[/tweetthis]So, what do you need to know in order to do this?
- Most importantly, know and understand/work with a HR/Payroll system that offers this functionality (Allow me a quick punt: does indeed offer all of these features and functions).
- A comprehensive knowledge of human resource practices.
- A thorough knowledge of the organisation and its policies and procedures.
- A full understanding of how the HRIS software operates and which functions it integrates with.
- In terms of organisational mission, vision, goals and objectives, be sure that you know (exactly) in which direction your organisation is headed
- Acquire a thorough working-knowledge and in-depth understanding of the needs of line-managers: i.e. determine what their wants and needs truly are
Do all this and you will become the centre of the HR/payroll hub in your company
The competent professional who will be managing this HR/payroll (HRIS) hub, not only needs to understand human resources well, but would need to understand the HRIS system too. She/he needs to know exactly how to optimally configure many HRIS processes, as well as how to keep line-mangers motivated during their own use of the HRIS system.
PS — the reader of this article would do well to recognise that (ideally) this is a full-time position.
Further good news is that for smaller organisations’ needs, this entire process may be outsourced — it is a comprehensive service which Paymaster offers.