Hrmaster Hats Series

10 Hats worn by payroll professionals

10 Hats worn by the payroll professional: 10-week series by Paymaster

#proudpayrollprofessionals #Hat

Week 1 day 1

A few months ago, while talking to a group of Payroll people I was asked, “what will the future payroll administrator look like” and “what will be doing”

I must confess that I am biased. I love being in Payroll, I love serving my customers(employees ) and helping Management wherever I can. I am proud of what we do. BUT I am saddened by the image we have, the feeling that we are only noticed when things go wrong.

Anyway let’s start this series:

We are not

  1. Retreaded staff with nowhere else to go
  2. Payroll is not the last step before retirement
  3. We don’t all have our hair in a bun and a scary frown on our face
  4. We don’t like being stuck away in corners
  5. We are not data captures.
  6. We are not there to bend the rules because you messed up and now don’t want to face the consequences.

What are we:

  1. Proud employees who have chosen administration as a career
  2. We love getting things right – it is in our nature
  3. We think about influencing strategy and understand what the company remuneration policy is and how it impacts strategy and results
  4. We are open and friendly but can be tough at times
  5. We love doing analysis, what if calculations
  6. Trusted – you have no idea of the secrets we keep – “especially when we like you”

The 10 HATS:

Over the next 10  weeks we will be looking at the hats we wear and the challenges we face.

  1. Interpreter of the law
  2. Accurate keeper of information
  3. Gatekeeper of compliance
  4. Communicator of changes
  5. The responsibility of “What if” questions
  6. Trusted confidant/employee
  7. Financial counsellor
  8. The problem solver
  9. Moral compass
  10. The interpreter of company policy

We will use five key words  (one every day of the week) to focus your attention on subsections of HAT (the subject at hand)

The 5 key words are :

Information – what does this topic mean

Inspiration – why is this topic important for me

Education – what do I need to know, (policy procedures, knowledge or consequence

Community – a place where you can tell your story

Survey – let’s find out what we all think.

Join me on this journey of discovery and adventure. We will all learn something.

Coming up…Hat 1: The Payroll Administrator as implementer of Legislation

Find the HATS videos on our YouTube channel today!

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